Aut dicta possimus sint mollitia voluptas commodi quo doloremque
Ut aspernatur corporis harum nihil quis provident sequi mollitia nobis aliquid molestiae perspiciatis et ea nemo ab reprehenderit accusantium quas voluptate dolores velit et doloremque molestiae Ut aspernatur corporis harum nihil quis provident sequi mollitia nobis aliquid molestiae perspiciatis et ea nemo ab reprehenderit accusantium quas voluptate dolores velit et doloremque molestiae
h1 Heading
h2 Heading
h3 Heading
h4 Heading
h5 Heading
h6 Heading
module.exports = options => {
return {
siteMetadata: {
url: "https://mysite.placeholder", title: "Blog Title Placeholder", author: "Name Placeholder", description: "Description placeholder", locale: "en-US", socialLinks: [
text: "Twitter",
link: "",
external: false
text: "GitHub",
link: "",
external: false
This is an inline code console.log("JavaScript");
- Create a list by starting a line with
, or*
- Sub-lists are made by indenting 2 spaces:
- Marker character change forces new list start:
- Ac tristique libero volutpat at
- Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet
- Nulla volutpat aliquam velit
- Marker character change forces new list start:
- Very easy!
Option | Description |
data | path to data files to supply the data that will be passed into templates. |
engine | engine to be used for processing templates. Handlebars is the default. |
ext | extension to be used for dest files. |
Create a blog with gatsbyjs img caption